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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Region Pavement Preservation System Conversion and Enhancement Prototype
Authors:Chandrasekhar Swaminathan, Asha Ramrakhiani, Newell Crookston, and William Grenney
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Sep 1999
Report #:MPC-99-107
Project #:MPC-165
TRID #:00782288
Keywords:computer architecture, databases, data storage, maintenance management, paint, pavement maintenance, pavement management systems, quality control, regional planning, software, standards


This study was conducted to determine if efficiencies could be gained through the process of standardizing data storage mechanisms to permit diversity at the operating level while maintaining data compatibility for aggregation at higher levels in the organization. Transportation agencies use many computer tools for managing infrastructure. Engineers in operating divisions at the lower end of the organizational hierarchy choose a variety of tools to meet their specific needs. Managers at the top of the organizational hierarchy want a uniform "enterprise" database system that provides them direct access to agency-wide data. Frequently, these two different approaches at different levels cause inefficiencies in the agency.

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