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MPC Research Reports
Report Details

Title:Accident Prediction Models for Two-Lane Rural Highways
Authors:K. Kalokota and Prianka Seneviratne
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:May 1994
Report #:MPC-94-32
TRID #:00669027
Keywords:crash exposure, fatalities, forecasting, geometric design, mathematical models, rural highways, traffic crashes, trip length, two lane highways


The primary objective of this research was to establish statistically valid mathematical models that can explain the variations in accidents as a function of geometric variables. Engineers and planners will be able to use these models to examine the sensitivity of accident rates to any of the independent variables, and then decide on the best improvement strategy that satisfies their goals and objectives. The second objective was to investigate the transferability of model parameters over time and space and develop a methodology to simplify the transfer process.

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