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Report Details

Title:Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Operations Near Transit Stops
Authors:Patrick Singleton, Fariba Soltani Mandolakani, Atul Subedi, and Michelle Mekker
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Aug 2024
Report #:MPC-24-550
Project #:MPC-693
TRID #:01940370
Keywords:bus stops, intersections, location, pedestrian movement, pedestrian safety, video


This research project’s objective was to investigate the impacts of transit stop location (near-side versus far-side) on pedestrian safety and traffic operations at intersections. Three different video-based behavioral observation data collections at signals in Utah were utilized and studied: (1) transit stop events (interactions between transit vehicles and other vehicles) and transit rider crossing behaviors and vehicle conflicts; (2) pedestrian conflicts with right-turning vehicles (conflict severity, driver/pedestrian reactions); and (3) pedestrian crossing behaviors (crossing location, crossing behaviors). These outcomes were then statistically compared for near-side versus far-side transit stop locations.

From the results, far-side transit stops are better for general traffic operations. Although transit departure delays are more likely and impactful at far-side stops, actions can be taken to improve transit operations there. On the other hand, the evidence pointed toward far-side transit stops being worse for pedestrian safety. Specifically, conflicts at far-side stops were more severe, and drivers were less likely to slow/stop for pedestrians. This finding corroborates prior Utah-based research results that there were more pedestrian crashes at intersections with more far-side transit stops. Reconciling these differing findings likely requires improving pedestrian safety at some far-side transit stops, and prioritizing safety over operational efficiency at other near-side transit stops.

How to Cite

Singleton, Patrick, Fariba Soltani Mandolakani, Atul Subedi, and Michelle Mekker. Pedestrian Safety and Traffic Operations Near Transit Stops, MPC-24-550. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.

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