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Report Details

Title:Numerical Evaluation of Precast Columns with Grouted Splice Sleeve Connectors under Sequential Impact and Seismic Loads
Authors:Andrew Sorensen, Jinghui Jiang, and Mohsen Zaker Esteghamati
University:Utah State University
Publication Date:Aug 2024
Report #:MPC-24-542
Project #:MPC-696
TRID #:01937644
Keywords:accelerated bridge construction, columns, cracking, dislocation (geology), earthquake engineering, finite element method, impact tests, precast concrete, reinforcing bars, structural connection


With the development of accelerated bridge construction (ABC), the seismic performance of typical ABC column-footing connections has been evaluated in high earthquake-prone states, like Utah, California, Nevada, and Idaho. But to date, the current literature has yet to fully examine the impact behavior of coupler/rebar connections and the component under-vehicle impact using numerical and finite element analysis. There is also a lack of studies on the residual seismic capacity of post-impact columns with grouted splice sleeve (GSS) connectors. This study involves two major steps. First, the finite element models are validated using experimental data, ensuring accurate representation of the coupler/rebar interface, energy transfer, and material strength degradation. Second, the validated finite element (FE) model undergoes vehicle impact tests to simulate real-world conditions. Following this, the residual seismic capacity of the half-scale column is assessed to understand the impact on structural integrity and seismic resilience of precast columns with GSS connectors.

This study provides valuable insights into the behavior of coupler/rebar connections under impact loading, and the residual seismic capacity of post-impact columns, enhancing the understanding and safety of ABC bridges.

How to Cite

Sorensen, Andrew, Jinghui Jiang, and Mohsen Zaker Esteghamati. Numerical Evaluation of Precast Columns with Grouted Splice Sleeve Connectors under Sequential Impact and Seismic Loads, MPC-24-542. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2024.

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