MPC Research Reports |
Title: | Local Road Safety Practices and Perceptions in North Dakota |
Authors: | Kimberly Vachal, Sajad Ebrahimi, and Kelly Bengtson |
University: | North Dakota State University |
Publication Date: | Sep 2023 |
Report #: | MPC-22-450 |
Project #: | MPC-602 |
TRID #: | 01898474 |
Keywords: | best practices, local government, rural highways, safety programs, surveys, traffic safety |
Annually, many injuries and fatal crashes happen on local rural roads in North Dakota. The local road safety program (LRSP) strategy has been proven effective in reducing crashes on these roads. It relies on state engagement with local stakeholders to collectively reduce crash injuries in their communities. The LRSP presents a framework for stakeholders to identify, analyze, and prioritize traffic safety improvements for their roadways. In this study, local road managers were surveyed about road safety activities with special emphasis on the western counties in the oil impact region. The results reflect current practices in local government road management. It will be a resource for growing program participation and activities by providing best practices and peer knowledge sharing. One in five counties reported applying for LRSP projects over the past five years. Comparison to a previous survey shows a notable expansion in counties adopting low-cost safety strategies. The benefits of federal and state support in instituting local road safety practices were evident in funding sources and planning activities reported by counties. Several opportunities to carry this forward in proactive safety opportunities for individual counties with specific crash-type prevention strategies and for systemwide site-based safety countermeasures were evident. The survey investigation can inform other states by providing insight regarding LRSP practices and perceptions, with regard to improvements in local road safety and the potential to grow local agencies as champions in the effort.
Vachal, Kimberly, Sajad Ebrahimi, and Kelly Bengtson. Local Road Safety Practices and Perceptions in North Dakota, MPC-22-450. North Dakota State University - Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, Fargo: Mountain-Plains Consortium, 2023.