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Report Details

Title:Developing Input to "Best-Value" Vehicle Procurement Practice: An Analysis of Supplier Evaluation and Selection in the U.S. Public Transportation Industry
Authors:Marc A. Scott
Publication Date:Oct 2011
Report #:DP-246
TRID #:01362635
Keywords:decision making, procurement, public transit, suppliers, transit buses, vans
Type:Research Report – Department Publications


This research studies vehicle procurement decision-makers at public transportation agencies to determine which criteria, or supplier attributes, they perceive to be the most important when evaluating vehicle suppliers. Results indicate that the top five attributes were quality, reliability, after-sales support, warranties and claims, and integrity. The order of these top five attributes changed according to the type of supplier being evaluated, i.e., conventional fuel vehicle supplier versus alternative fuel vehicle supplier. The reason for this change was explained as being due to the increased engineering and technological expertise required of alternative fuel vehicle suppliers.

How to Cite

Scott, Marc A. Developing Input to "Best-Value" Vehicle Procurement Practice: An Analysis of Supplier Evaluation and Selection in the U.S. Public Transportation Industry, DP-246. North Dakota State University, Fargo: Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, 2011.

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