North Dakota Local Technical Assistance Program

Event Proceedings
2020 North Dakota County Roads Conference

Jan 29-31, 2020 – The 2-Day Conference provides training for the County road superintendents, county engineers and consulting engineers. NDLTAP Road Scholar awards are presented at the Conference Awards banquet.


Conference Agenda (PDF, 8029K) 
Bidding and Other Cool Stuff (PDF, 1953K)Aaron Birst, NDACo
Bridge Inspection Program (PDF, 483K)Bryon Fuchs, NDDOT
FHWA Emergency Relief Program (PDF, 197K)Kent Leben, NDDOT
FHWA Update (PDF, 359K)Lee Potter, FHWA
Glue for Gravel Roads (PDF, 5334K)Dale Heglund, UGPTI/NDLTAP
Construction Planning with GRIT (PDF, 560K)Brad Wentz, UGPTI
Overweight and Oversize Truck Permitting on Local Roadways (PDF, 502K)Janet Sanford and Brent Bogar, LoadPass Permits
NACE Update (PDF, 1022K)Kevan Stone, NACE
NDLTAP Update (PDF, 969K)Denise Brown, UGPTI/NDLTAP
Safety Incidents and Lessons Learned (PDF, 533K)Patrick Engelhart, CEG