NDLTAP Assists in Hosting NDDOT Virtual Local Government Summit
Posted: Nov 3, 2020
NDLTAP and UGPTI assisted NDDOT in hosting a virtual Local Government Summit for legislators, local government officials and transportation management officials on October 29. The summit offered a broad spectrum of key local roadway topics in a condensed learning session. Topics on the agenda provided critical asset information and management techniques that are key components of a local roadway management system. Best practices for local county, township, city, and tribal roads combine to provide better, safer roads. Presenters included:
- Brent Bogar, AE2S-Nexus, presented on the status of HB 1066 Operation Prairie Dog Funding
- Stewart Milakovic, NDDOT, provided an update on NDDOT's Long-Range Transportation Plan
- Jessica Smith, HDR, described effective transportation network planning
- Tim Colling, Michigan Technological University, outlined strategies for pavement preservation
- Patrick Conner, Indiana LTAP, did the same for bridge preservation
- Bryon Fuchs, NDDOT, provided an update on NDDOT's approach to bridge inspections and load ratings
- Dave Jones, University of California, provided strategies for gravel road preservation
- Brad Wentz, UGPTI, described local road surface selection tools available from UGPTI
- Jeremy Mattson, UGPTI, provided an update on a study of rural transit in North Dakota
- Ben Worel, Minnesota DOT, detailed how frost action impacts roads and how those impacts are reflected in load restrictions
- Alan Dybing, UGPTI, described how economics and concepts such as benefit/cost ratios and return on investment are used in transportation infrastructure decision making
A special thanks to NDDOT Director Bill Panos, who provided the initial idea for the summit and dedicated his department's resources to making it a reality. His commitment to transportation at the local level was evident in his opening and closing comments.
For more information or to watch the recorded presentations, visit the Summit website.