LaMoure County Wins Innovation Contest
Posted: Jan 21, 2020
Congratulations to Tim Geinert and the LaMoure County Highway Department as the first-place winner for the 2019 Innovation Champions Contest (previously known as You Show Us.) Their innovation, "Spring Load Arm Enhancement" for a gravel saver disc, went on to compete regionally at the Local Roads Conference in South Dakota. Competing with contest entries from four other states in the region, the "Spring Load Arm Enhancement" also took first place at the regional level.
In 2019, there were two N.D. entrants in the Innovation Champions contest. The Steele County Highway Department contest entry was the "Snow Bank Buster." One of the competition judges commented that the uniqueness of the innovations made it difficult to select a first-place winner. Thank you LaMoure and Steele Counties for sharing your innovations so other jurisdictions may benefit from your creativity.
Detailed information about these innovations, photos, detailed schematics, and videos can be found on the NDLTAP website. If you have questions about an innovation, contact information is included in the PDF document. Submit your ideas for the 2020 Innovation Champions competition! Leanna will be happy to assist in putting your innovation on paper. Not only is this program a means to share your ideas with others so they may benefit from your concept, it is also a way to encourage team work within your department.