Commercial Vehicle Safety Summit

May 25-26, 2021 • Denver, CO

Speaker Bio

Bill Bannister
FMCSA Analysis Division

Bill is the Chief of the Analysis Division in FMCSA. He is responsible for monitoring the quality of data reported to FMCSA, disseminating data and statistics to governmental agencies and the public, and producing statistical analyses of large truck and bus safety issues. Bill came to FMCSA in 2008 after 8 years in DOT's Bureau of Transportation Statistics, and a 28-year career as a Coast Guard officer where he spent considerable time as a planner and analyst developing performance measures for Coast Guard safety programs. He is a graduate of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy with a BS in mathematics, and obtained a MS degree in Operations Research and Statistics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.


Funding provided through a cooperative agreement with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

If you would like more information, email Brenda Lantz at