Commercial Vehicle Safety and CDL Compliance Summit

Nov. 28-29, 2018 • Denver, CO

Speaker Bio

Dennis Hult
Operations Bureau Chief
Motor Carrier Services Division

Dennis Hult has been employed for over 28 years by the Montana Department of Transportation in various technical and management roles. Since 2003, Dennis has been the Operations Bureau Chief for the Motor Carrier Services Division. His Bureau is responsible for all FMCSA related programs and grants, including MCSAP and High Priority Programs; ITD and PRISM. His work unit is also responsible for developing and managing Division business plans, contracts and agreements. His unit is responsible for monitoring division statistics, including program outputs and resulting outcomes used for Division resource management and planning. His Bureau is also responsible for reviewing and documenting the financial and operational impacts associated with proposed state legislation and federal proposed rulemaking notices. Dennis has also served as the Montana ITD program manager since 2000 and has been on the HELP Inc. Board of Directors since 2005.


Funding provided through a grant from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

If you would like more information, email Brenda Lantz at