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This paper presents an overview of the use and development of rail cost statistics in transportation and marketing analysis. The purpose of the paper is to provide transportation and marketing analysts with a general description of cost procedures and areas of application and use.

Rail Line Abandonment (Dec 1982, SP-26)

This paper discusses rail line abandonments in North Dakota and the ICC Abandonment Application Process.

This paper discusses the lease option vs. the purchase option of rail cars.

Since the passage of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976, State governments have assumed an interest in maintaining and promoting adequate rail service within their boundaries. These activities, consisting of providing technical assistance to shippers, carriers, and communities...

This paper describes the physical characteristics of different types of subterminal elevators; and construction and operating costs.

This paper explains delayed pricing contracts and how they work.

The development and use of transportation databases is an essential prerequisite to transportation and marketing analysis. In few other disciplines are the databases so scattered and uncoordinated as in the field of transportation. Yet, there are few disciplines which are so data-dependent, particularly...

This report discusses the maximum vehicle weights and length limits of different truck sizes.

The general purpose of this paper was to evaluate the performance and operating characteristics of the motor carrier industry serving North Dakota. Specific objectives are: 1) to evaluate the existing grain motor carrier industry in North Dakota as to operating characteristics and stability; 2) to evaluate...

Rail line abandonment is a process designed to allow railroads a means for disposing of unprofitable lines. This paper discusses this process.

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050