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105 report(s) found for University of Utah
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As the market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) increases, the surge of charging demand could potentially overload the power grid and disrupt infrastructure planning. Hence, an efficient deployment strategy of electrical vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is much needed. This project attempted to address...

Zero-group velocity (ZGV) modes in rails are studied through simulation and experiments. Local resonances associated with ZGV modes appear as distinct, sharp peaks in the frequency amplitude spectrum, whose resonant frequencies can serve as indicators of the local structural integrity condition of the...

The preservation of road safety in snowy regions during the winter season is of paramount significance due to the presence of perilous meteorological circumstances, such as snowstorms, which can result in escalated vehicular collisions and subsequent roadway closure. In the present investigation, our...

A research section was built within a major highway to compare the performance of different geosynthetic-reinforced pavement systems. The first test section contained no geosynthetic reinforcement. The second section was reinforced with a layer of geogrid. In the third test section, geotextile was placed...

Often engineers and maintenance personnel are faced with a serious problem in the maintenance of bridges due to excessive settlement of approach embankments near bridge abutments, causing bumps at the ends of the bridges. These settlements result from loading-induced and sometimes wetting-induced strains...

Transportation asset management requires timely information collection to inform relevant maintenance practices. Traditional data collection methods often necessitate manual operation or the use of specialized equipment, e.g., light detection and ranging (LiDAR), which can be labor-intensive and costly...

In several states, bridge deck delamination of reinforced concrete bridge decks built with partial depth precast concrete panels and cast-in-place concrete has been observed. The partial depth precast concrete panels are typically prestressed. Recently, one such failure was observed in Utah. There is...

A numerical model simulating the seismic behavior of precast concrete columns confined with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) spirals and longitudinally reinforced with steel or a combination of steel and GFRP bars was developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees)....

This report documents the effort to develop a practical relation between the cracking tolerance index and portions of the dynamic modulus curves of asphalt mixtures. A review of practices used to create asphalt mixtures' dynamic modulus master curves, based on NCHRP reports and other relevant literature...

The research project produces a statewide airspace network, delivery schedule, and truck/drone fleet mix. Such an airspace network is optimized to ensure that drones are strategically deconflicted as required by NASA and the total energy over that day is minimized. Such an airspace network is realized...

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NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050