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20 report(s) found with wood in the keywords field
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This report presents the relevancy of the allowable stress rating (ASR) and the load and resistance factor rating (LRFR) methods for timber bridges. Benchmark bridges constructed in the 1930s have been upgraded with hollow structural steel (HSS) beams and three-dimensional finite element models provide...

According to the 2017 ASCE Infrastructure Report Card (ASCE 2017), 9.1% of the U.S. bridges are structurally deficient. The majority of deficient bridges are in service on low-traffic volume roads, and these bridges should be replaced or repaired for public safety in a timely manner. As an alternative...

Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) has only recently garnered attention as a new construction material in the United States. Despite being introduced in Europe nearly 20 years ago, CLT is still not used widely in North America. One primarily reason is because CLT is not yet recognized as a structural system...

The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT) allows the use of precast double-tee bridges in counties because they are economical and fast in construction. Alternative durable prefabricated bridge systems are needed to provide more options to local governments. The present study was carried...

Roadside barriers are the primary structural safety devices on surface roads. They can be made from any material as long as they can absorb the energy involved in an impact scenario. One material that has that potential is Ipe, which is a hardwood material that has relatively high strength compared with...

The overall project is to demonstrate the effectiveness of shear spiking (technique already developed through a previous project). Many timber railroad bridges are deficient but it is too costly to replace them; hence, inexpensive repair techniques are needed. The proposed project will provide the necessary...

This report describes research performed in coordination with work at the University of Stuttgart, attempting to establish the S-N curve for fatigue loading of notched wood-concrete connections based on low/high-cycle, repeated loading tests. Experimental results are obtained on fourteen 1524 mm span...

This report details the outcomes of shear spiking two open-deck, timber trestle railroad bridges and examining the effectiveness under applied loading. The bridges were made available to the researchers by the Union Pacific Railroad and were located in their Southern Region. The first site was located...

This research study focused on the long-term and repeated load behavior of wood-concrete composite beams in which the wood layer is composed of recycled utility poles. Previous research studies have found this type of a beam to have high efficiency and to be a potentially viable replacement for short...

For this study, eight full-size railroad bridge timber stringers were intentionally damaged by saw cuts, to mimic deterioration, after which they were strengthened through the process of shear spiking. The stringers were then durability loaded up to 25,000 cycles after which the majority of the sample...

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