Research Reports Filter by Keyword26 report(s) found with wheat in the keywords field The United States has produced an excess supply of wheat for over a century. The excess wheat supply and the development of an extensive transportation network has enhanced the U.S.'s regional and world-wide wheat trade capabilities. Wheat moves through several channels from the time it leaves the farm... The objective of this study was to assess the competitiveness of U.S. durum producers in supplying durum by estimating production levels and trade flows under alternative trade scenarios. Mathematical programming was used to compare production levels and distribution patterns for the durum market under... The objectives of this paper are primarily two-fold. First, the logistical process of identity preserved grain shipments will be described. And second, certain cost comparisons will be made with traditional wheat shipments from North Dakota. The main purpose of this paper is to explore alternative methods of positioning wheat produced in the state at export locations. Specific objectives are to: 1) identify potential routes and modes which would be utilized to position wheat produced in North Dakota for export; 2) develop and identify associated... The objectives of this paper were primarily two-fold. First, a descriptive analysis of rail rates for wheat from North Dakota was performed. Second, applicable rail costs of a typical wheat movement from North Dakota were calculated. This paper discusses several factors which influenced the implementation of multiple car rates in the Upper Great Plains. The purpose of this paper is to speculate as to the nature of the future transportation of wheat to the PNW from North Dakota and Montana. Historical account of North Dakota wheat rates and methods of computing them. This study analyzes the potential effects of multiple car hard red spring wheat rates on the country elevator industry in North Dakota. The study bases its analysis on data developed from a mail survey of North Dakota country elevator operators and the historical grain movements from these elevators. The purpose of this submittal is two-fold: 1) to demonstrate the fact that there has been a structural change with regard to the ingredient cost/retail cost relationship in recent years in the bread processing industry; and 2) to establish the fact that the American wheat farmer is neither the great...