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4 report(s) found with waste products in the keywords field
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In recent years, major initiatives have been taken to replace non-renewable materials with environmentally friendly and sustainable ones. The present study was undertaken to apply a scalable process for laboratory production of cellulose nanofibers (CNF) and to evaluate the feasibility of using the produced...

Aqueous waste streams produced from commercial, industrial, and municipal processes may be potentially reused for transportation applications. The objectives of this project were to identify potential transportation-related applications for aqueous waste streams available in South Dakota, develop guidance...

The objectives of this study were to assess geotechnical properties of mine waste amended with fly ash and evaluate reuse of fly ash amended mine waste as road construction material. Three types of fly ash and one type of cement were used as cementitious binder. Natural and synthetic (i.e., laboratory...

Coal ash is the portion of ash rejected by the stack and collected at the base as a waste product. Coal ash is comprised of bottom ash and fly ash. Fly ash accounts for 70 percent to 80 percent of total coal ash and the rest being bottom ash. Only 39 percent of bottom ash is utilized with the rest being...

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