MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword12 report(s) found with urban areas in the keywords field Connected autonomous vehicle (CAV) technology has the potential to enable significant gains in energy economy (EE). Much research attention has been focused on autonomous eco-driving control enabled by various methods. In this study, the state of the literature on autonomous eco-driving control is reviewed... Tree failures due to strong winds in urban areas cause extensive direct and indirect economic and environmental loss, including disrupting adjacent infrastructures, such as buildings, underground pipelines, roads, and overhead powerlines. To effectively improve the resilience of a community subjected... Child pedestrians are some of the most vulnerable users of our transportation systems, and they deserve particular attention when we consider traffic safety. Part 1 of this report identifies locations in urban areas where child pedestrians are at particular risk for fatal collisions with vehicles. We... The roadside area where fixed-object hazards are explicitly minimized is called the clear zone, which became standard design practice soon after the 1966 Congressional hearings on road and automobile safety. Mounting evidence, however, is beginning to cast doubt on what we think we know about the impact... As the population grows and travel demands increase, alternative interchange designs have become increasingly popular. The diverging diamond interchange is an alternative design that has been implemented in the United States. This design can accommodate higher and unbalanced flow and improve safety at... Older drivers are overrepresented in motor vehicle crash fatalities. As the U.S. population continues to age, this problem will grow. Health care providers (HCPs) are in a position to provide their older patients with education which may prevent further motor vehicle fatalities. Rural older adults are... Urban freight planning is more complex than urban passenger transport in many respects. The complexity of the planning process arises from the fact that (i) movement of freight in an urban area is part of a logistics chain for diverse goods moved from points of production via warehouses and distribution... This study sought to determine current knowledge-levels of health care providers regarding child passenger safety issues and frequency of counseling on this topic. In addition, this study explored the differences in child restraint knowledge levels and current counseling frequency between rural and urban... The built environment consists of everything humanly made, arranged, or maintained (Bartuska and Young 1994). In relation to travel behavior, there has been a focus on improving our understanding of how the built environment influences one's travel mode choice. Planners need evidence showing how land... Seating children in the rear of vehicles has been shown to decrease the odds of being fatally injured in a motor vehicle crash by 36% to 40%. Although rear seating is safer, rates of children being front-seated remain high, especially for older children. Few states have enacted legislation regarding...