Research Reports Filter by Keyword22 report(s) found with transportation planning in the keywords field MPOs are beginning to consider implications of the 2005 Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act: A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) legislation that requires specific attention for security elements in transportation planning. This most recent federal transportation bill extracts... This report presents the findings and recommendations of a study commissioned by the City of Brookings to identify gaps between residents' personal mobility needs and existing services and to recommend actions, including opportunities to improve coordination among area service providers. The study included... This paper evaluates the impact of various I-15 reconstruction closure scenarios on the travelers in the Ogden area. The purpose of the research was to investigate the impact of the scenarios and facilitate decisions about future maintenance of traffic during the reconstruction. This report analyzes the services provided by RCPT and assesses efforts that have been made to coordinate these services with other area service providers and human service agencies. Based on this assessment, the report's final sections present recommendations and implementation strategies related to... Turtle Mountain Reservation is located in Rolette County in extreme north central North Dakota. The reservation and surrounding tribal lands are densely populated and have more residents per square mile than Cass County, North Dakota's most populated county. Unemployment in the area is extremely high... The study is part of a statewide strategic transportation plan adopted in 2002 by the NDDOT to provide a shared vision for North Dakota's transportation system. The plan's goals call for a transportation system that allows optimum personal mobility. One of the initiatives is the development of a statewide... Transportation is a vital national need and one of the areas of increased employment opportunities. Fostering student interest in transportation and transportation related areas of study is vital to our nation's future work force, and these arenas are rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate... The ITS Plan is a strategic document that addresses the unique needs and priorities of the Bismarck-Mandan area and matches those needs with relevant ITS technologies. The plan provides the roadmap for types of ITS technologies, location for possible deployment, tentative dates for deploying these applications... This report examines the coordinated/regionalized transit systems in North Dakota. The GEOTRANS (GEographical Optimizer for TRANSportation) is an implementation of a GDSS for rural transportation. Algorithms and specialized data structures were developed to accomplish accurate and efficient solutions of a suite of network flow optimization models for use in GEOTRANS. The design of...