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15 report(s) found with transportation disadvantaged persons in the keywords field
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Turtle Mountain Reservation is located in Rolette County in extreme north central North Dakota. The reservation and surrounding tribal lands are densely populated and have more residents per square mile than Cass County, North Dakota's most populated county. Unemployment in the area is extremely high...

In this study, the cohort-component method of population projection is used to project changes in the size of various groups at five-year intervals from 2005 to 2025 for each of North Dakota's 53 counties. The populations of interest in the study, seniors, the disabled, students age 5 to 19, and households...

The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute (UGPTI) developed a survey to identify the transportation needs and measure how well the needs of the disadvantaged population are being met. The UGPTI worked with four Centers for Independent Living that serve the state of North Dakota. Each of the centers...

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 included a requirement that public entities operating fixed route transportation services for the general public also must provide complementary paratransit service to persons unable to use the fixed route system. When this service is required, the ADA...

The purpose of this study is to evaluate eight of the 23 existing Section 18 projects in North Dakota. Each of the eight systems will be evaluated in terms of their effectiveness and efficiency. Two of the objectives of the evaluation are to identify areas where efficiency or effectiveness could be improved...

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