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22 report(s) found with transit operating agencies in the keywords field
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Public transportation plays a fundamental role in the livability of communities of all sizes. The Rural Transit Fact Book provides information on transit service availability and cost to help the transit industry in the United States provide efficient and effective service to meet rural community mobility...

The Rural Transit Fact Book serves as a national resource for statistics and information on rural transit in America. This publication includes rural demographic and travel behavior data as well as financial and operating statistics for agencies receiving section 5311 funding. In addition to national-level...

This study examines public opinion toward transit during the COVID-19 pandemic, changes in rider behavior, and responses by transit agencies. This was accomplished through two surveys. First, a survey of transit riders and the public was conducted to examine response to the pandemic. It focused on the...

The National Transit Institute (NTI) contracted with the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center located within the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute at North Dakota State University to complete a survey to assess the immediate training needs of rural and small urban transit agencies. The immediate...

This study was conducted to provide the Oklahoma Transit Association and state policy makers with information that will allow them to plan for mobility challenges and address coming greater mobility needs stemming from population growth and changes in the state’s demographics. In this study, we constructed...

Intelligent transportation system (ITS) applications have been widely applied to the highway system, and are being used by an increasing number of small urban and rural transit systems throughout the United States. The objectives of this study were to first, identify what technologies are currently used...

While the automobile industry is rapidly transitioning towards automation, the transit industry in the United States has recently begun investigating automation in transit operations. Multiple U.S. transit agencies have been experimenting with various automation technologies in transit vehicles. Examples...

As America's transportation workforce continues to age, there is an increased need to invest in workforce development to combat the impending retirement tsunami. This is especially true within the small urban and rural transit industry. A national survey of rural transit managers was conducted to determine...

This study identifies the needs of transit agencies in North Dakota, gaps in transit service, and additional services and funding needed to meet current demand as well as projected future demand. Objectives are to construct a demographic profile of the state of North Dakota, develop a mobility needs...

This study is an attempt to empirically measure livability to emphasize its role in community livability. Establishing these measures would enhance the practice and implementation of livability principles by various practitioners in the transit industry. This is in view of the difficulties faced in the...

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