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24 report(s) found with training in the keywords field
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Transportation is a vital national need and one of the areas of increased employment opportunities. Fostering student interest in transportation and transportation related areas of study is vital to our nation's future work force, and these arenas are rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate...

A survey of the education and training needs was conducted and more than 2,000 questionnaire booklets were sent to highway contractors nationwide. Two hundred and eighteen responded. The objective of the survey was to determine the training and education needs of the construction industry and identify...

President Joseph A. Chapman has charged North Dakota State University to move to the next "level of excellence" in its service to North Dakota. The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute is a full partner in that desired growth and progress. The Institute's continuing research, education, and service...

The field of transportation is rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate engineering students. Many work opportunities are available in the area of transportation including computer software analysis, field testing, and consulting. Unfortunately, these opportunities are not always accessible...

This report documents the findings of the National Peer Exchange on Educational and Technical Assistance to Motor Carriers and Commercial Vehicle Drivers (ETA). The report identifies ETA best practices observed during site visits to the participating states and trucking companies.

This study was designed to determine the transportation-related training needs of county road managers and elected officials. The training needs were identified through a mail questionnaire.

This report is a summary of the impressions, as well as the recommendations, drawn by Gene Griffin, director of the Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU; and Dennis McLeod, president, Red River Valley & Western Railroad. These impressions and recommendations are based on an eight-day site...

Assess the need and opportunities to develop training and education programs, which would help transportation managers, business, and government officials adjust to a free market environment, and the Far Eastern State Transportation University educate and train transportation professionals to function...

The objective of this research is to develop a computer-based delivery system for one of Utah DOT's existing, traditional classroom training activities. The Flagging Recertification Training and Exam was selected by the UDOT Technical Advisory Committee. The research was divided into two phases: (1)...

This report documents the findings of the National Peer Exchange on Hours-of-Service (HOS) Compliance that was conducted by a team of state and federal motor carrier safety delegates. It identifies states' best practices in the area of HOS compliance observed during site visits to 11 states during 1996.

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