Research Reports Filter by Keyword9 report(s) found with traffic surveillance in the keywords field 1 - 9 of 9 Transportation planning, traffic monitoring, and traffic safety analysis require detailed information about pedestrian volumes, but such data are usually lacking. Fortunately, recent research has demonstrated the accuracy of pedestrian volumes estimated from push-button data contained within high-resolution... Understanding ramp queue length and queuing time is important for transportation agencies to manage and operate the ramps with optimum performance. Since these data are collected with conventional sensor systems such as coils, they are prone to error, especially during traffic congestion. The increased... Airport operational data are necessary for aviation decision-makers to quantitatively prepare airport master plans and fairly distribute national funds throughout the country. These data have other important applications, such as safety and security applications. Interestingly, most airports (i.e., typically... Speed is one of many factors that increase the risk of serious or fatal injury in traffic crashes. Understanding driver and road manager decisions regarding travel speeds is fundamental to improving traffic safety. The objective of this study was to test existing equipment and technology assets in monitoring... This paper is a summary of work performed by the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) to develop training programs for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) Traffic Operations Center (TOC) operators at both the basic and advanced levels. The basic training is designed to train operators in the basic knowledge... Strategic Highway Safety Plans (SHSP) provide states with an excellent opportunity to identify and engage local traffic safety partners in a program under the auspices of the SAFETEA-LU goal to reduce fatalities on the nation's roadways. States have completed the initial plan and have moved into implementation... Video detection systems have replaced the industry's standard inductive loops because they are easy to install, have flexible applications and their maintenance is cost-effective. These systems involve positioning cameras above traffic to capture images of passing vehicle. These images are analyzed by... Traffic Monitoring Stations are a component of the ATMS. TMS collect traffic volumes, speed and density from the Interstate system. These devices are located each one-half mile, on each lane, of the interstate system in the Salt Lake Valley. Presently UDOT does not collect or store this information.... This research focuses on real-time congestion monitoring, a unique direction, as most other cities focus solely on freeway operations as they are easier to monitor. Once surface street congestion is monitored successfully, recurring problematic locations can be identified, and solutions can be developed...