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6 report(s) found with traffic signal control systems in the keywords field
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Mitigating congestion at urban traffic system intersections following major hazards and incidents is a crucial step to maximize the evacuation, rescue and recovery efficiency and prevent a hazard from turning into a disaster. An optimized traffic signal design strategy can effectively contribute to maintaining...

Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) technologies enable communication among vehicles, and vehicles and infrastructure, paving the way for multiple safety and operational applications. This research developed and tested traffic signal control algorithms and control programs, which utilized CAV-equipped...

The goal of this study is to evaluate light rail priority strategies along the 400 S / 500 S corridor in Salt Lake County through analyzing benefits and impacts of the priority on transit and vehicular traffic through microsimulation. The results show that the existing priority strategies have no impacts...

In 2005, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) installed the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) in Park City, Utah, on its network of 14 signalized intersections. A field evaluation compared previous time-of-day actuated-coordinated signal timings with those dynamically computed...

Adaptive Signal Control II (Jan 2003, MPC-03-141)

Increasing traffic congestion is a constant source of frustration, time loss, and expense to users and managers of transportation systems. Cities, counties, and state transportation agencies are persistently searching for ways to mitigate urban traffic congestion, while minimizing costs and maintenance...

Inclement Weather Signal Timings (Jul 2000, MPC-01-120)

This study examines signal timing in inclement weather conditions. With the completion of the Utah DOT's Advanced Traffic Management System (ATMS), UDOT will have the capability to change signal timing plans from a central location by communicating with each controller through fiber optic technology....

NDSU Dept 2880P.O. Box 6050Fargo, ND 58108-6050