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11 report(s) found with traffic flow in the keywords field
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Urban traffic networks consisting of partially blocked roads often need to remain open to traffic before, during, and after disasters because of their vital roles to hazard preparation, emergency response, and recovery of urban communities. Conducting effective traffic planning of disrupted transportation...

Due to the current limitations on seismic forecasting, there is a high chance that a considerable number of vehicles would remain on a bridge when an earthquake occurs. In traditional seismic analyses, traffic loads were often ignored. Existing mode-based bridge-traffic interaction analysis usually cannot...

Concrete bridge decks are directly exposed to daily traffic loads and may experience some surface cracking caused by excessive stress or fatigue accumulation, which requires repair or replacement. Among typical bridges in North America, bridge decks are considered the most expensive component to construct...

The main objective of rural roadway pricing is revenue generation, rather than elimination of congestion externalities. This report presents a model that provides optimum tolls accounting for pavement deterioration and economic impacts. This model contains multiple components, because imposing tolls...

Modeling and developing different evacuation scenarios gained significant interest in recent years, where the management of the transportation system in support of evacuation efforts proved to be critical in mitigating the impacts of regional emergency events. However, most of the evacuation modeling...

With ever-increasing traffic demand and price of fossil fuels public transit becomes more popular transportation mode than ever before, especially in the fast growing regions such as Salt Lake City Metropolitan Region. Wasatch Front Regional Council (WFRC) (a local Metropolitan Planning Organization)...

The impetus of this research is to meet the growing need for accurate and practical methods to support traffic analysis in work zones. This research examines the application of two classes of traffic analysis models, macroscopic sketch analysis and microscopic traffic simulation, to work zones. The research...

In 2005, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) installed the Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) in Park City, Utah, on its network of 14 signalized intersections. A field evaluation compared previous time-of-day actuated-coordinated signal timings with those dynamically computed...

This research evaluates the effectiveness of the future Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) adaptive signal control system on the arterial street network in Park City, Utah, that experiences both everyday and unpredictable changes in traffic flow. This report contains the planned methodology for...

Adaptive Signal Control II (Jan 2003, MPC-03-141)

Increasing traffic congestion is a constant source of frustration, time loss, and expense to users and managers of transportation systems. Cities, counties, and state transportation agencies are persistently searching for ways to mitigate urban traffic congestion, while minimizing costs and maintenance...

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