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5 report(s) found with traffic congestion in the keywords field
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This report documents the research underway at the Utah Traffic Lab (UTL) that will contribute to the development of the user cost manual. This study evaluates the impact of various work zone scenarios caused by roadway rehabilitation projects in Utah. The results for different scenarios are tabulated...

This study evaluates the impact of proposed replacement on the travelers in Summit County. The purpose of this research is to provide UDOT an estimation of possible delay costs due to congested traffic resulting from the proposed work zone scenarios. The VISSIM micro-simulation tool is used to build...

This study reports on the performance of the extended HOV lines. Vehicle volume, average vehicle occupancy (AVO), modal split, person throughput, and violation rate were collected manually. Travel time and speed data were collected using the floating car method and global positioning system (GPS) software....

This research focuses on real-time congestion monitoring, a unique direction, as most other cities focus solely on freeway operations as they are easier to monitor. Once surface street congestion is monitored successfully, recurring problematic locations can be identified, and solutions can be developed...

This research effort is concerned with developing certain policy guidance tools that can be used to generate information that may be used by policymakers in deciding the desirability and utility of employing certain high technology options in solving ground transportation congestion and other large scale...

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