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120 report(s) found with traffic in the keywords field
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For decades, work zone traffic safety under adverse weather conditions has been a serious concern for drivers and transportation agencies. Natural hazards often cause disruptions on roads and bridges and work zones during the retrofitting process. Existing studies on work zone traffic safety with statistical...

Airport operational data are necessary for aviation decision-makers to quantitatively prepare airport master plans and fairly distribute national funds throughout the country. These data have other important applications, such as safety and security applications. Interestingly, most airports (i.e., typically...

Connected and Autonomous Vehicle (CAV) technologies enable communication among vehicles, and vehicles and infrastructure, paving the way for multiple safety and operational applications. This research developed and tested traffic signal control algorithms and control programs, which utilized CAV-equipped...

Transportation access management is defined as systematic control of the design, spacing, operation, and locations of street connections, interchanges, driveways, and median openings on the roadway with the purpose of providing vehicle access while preserving the efficiency and safety of the entire transportation...

This study evaluates two versions of the new super diverging diamond interchange (Super DDI) design as a possible alternative to improve the performance of failing service interchanges in the Denver, Colorado, metro. Three interchanges, Interstate 225 and Mississippi Ave, Interstate 25 and 120th Ave...

Urban traffic networks consisting of partially blocked roads often need to remain open to traffic before, during, and after disasters because of their vital roles to hazard preparation, emergency response, and recovery of urban communities. Conducting effective traffic planning of disrupted transportation...

An efficient and timely rescue of injured people by emergency medical services (EMS) is essential to saving as many lives as possible following disasters. Disrupted traffic networks due to the failures of transportation infrastructure (e.g., bridges) following major disasters like earthquakes affect...

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) is increasingly used to reduce stormwater input to the subsurface stormwater network. This work investigated how GSI interacts with surface runoff and stormwater structures to affect the spatial extent and distribution of roadway flooding and subsequent effects on...

This research seeks to develop an infrastructure safety support system by embedding V2I enabled sensor networks into the transportation infrastructure to provide autonomous vehicles and human drivers with inputs to improve their decision making when obvious decisions may not possible. A new car-following...

Big Transportation Data Analytics (Mar 2021, MPC-21-428)

Traffic volume data are crucial in many applications, including transportation operation analysis, congestion management, and accident prevention. Yet an extensive capture of accurate volume information on a large-scale network can be difficult and costly. This research focuses on hourly traffic volume...

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