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10 report(s) found with testing in the keywords field
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In this study, the researchers evaluated the effectiveness of quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) specifications in decreasing hot mix asphalt (HMA) variability. A questionnaire was written to gather general information about the QC/QA specification programs that are being used in the United States...

In 1991 federal transportation legislation, Congress mandated that state DOT's develop and implement comprehensive bridge management systems (BMS). Related to this, a rigorous BMS software package, PONTIS, was developed via federal contracting to industry.

In this study, the researchers evaluated the performance of asphalt mixes prepared using the Marshall mix design method and the Superpave level one mix design method. The Georgia Loaded Wheel Tester and the Thermal Stress Restrained Specimen Tester were used to test the rut-resistance and low-temperature...

This study addresses the issue of retrofitting reinforced concrete column/cap joints with advanced carbon-fiber composites using full-scale laboratory specimens.

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) recently investigated the cost and effectiveness of entry-level video conferencing systems (see MPC Report No. 96-67). The systems were required to run on a Pentium 60 MHz computer with 8 mb of RAM which was connected to the Internet. The Computer Based Intelligent...

The objectives of this projects were to: 1) develop a load test facility which can be used to perform static lateral load tests on model piles, 2) establish a prototype pile and a corresponding model pile, 3) design and implement the instrumentation for the model pile, 4) calibrate the model piles, 5)...

This document is the second in a series of three manuals produced for the South Dakota Department of Transportation. It is intended for use by county superintendents and other county roadway agency personnel within the State of South Dakota for the efficient selection of maintenance, rehabilitation...

Since 1980, over 200 new local or regional railroads have been established in the United States, mostly through the sale of light-density lines by Class I carriers. With these new additions, this sector of the railroad industry now numbers over 400 strong. Collectively, these firms operate over 40,000...

In this research the feasibility of using the Georgia Loaded-Wheel Tester (GLWT) to predict rutting in the laboratory was investigated. The study consisted of modifying the GLWT to handle 15.2 cm (6-in.) cores, obtaining asphalt pavement cores from several test sites throughout Wyoming, collecting rut...

This project included two laboratory studies and analytical work dealing with T-beams comprised of a concrete flange connected to a wood beam plus plywood sheathing. Based on the experimental results of tests of 72 slip specimens and 4 full-scale layered T-beams, the mechanical behavior of different...

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