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154 report(s) found with surveys in the keywords field
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Seat belt use is an important aspect in the safety of newly licensed teen drivers. Yet, crash statistics suggest that belt use rates are well-below the desired 100 percent rate. Belts were used by only 73 percent of teen drivers in injury crashes on rural Cass county roads during recent years. Educating...

A survey of teen parents was conducted at driver licensing sites across the North Dakota to ascertain perceptions and opinions regarding the current teen licensing process. A majority of the 288 parent respondents support increasing the teen permit age from the current 14 years. Many also believe that...

Mobility for the aging is a topic of paramount importance around the world. Women may face the greatest mobility challenges because of their tendency to live longer than men, to have more health-related problems than men, and to stop driving earlier than men. Therefore, it is important to better understand...

The Fargo/Moorhead Council of Governments, Fargo Cass County Economic Development Corporation, City of Moorhead, Minnesota Department of Transportation, North Dakota Department of Transportation, and a committee made up of interested parties from western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota initiated a...

This study provides information regarding the current state of the small transit vehicle industry. The recommendations will serve as a general procurement aid for bus manufacturers and transit agencies. The ultimate goal of this research is to discover procedures to improve the efficiency of the entire...

The objective of this project is to examine the feasibility of developing a new transit vehicle, or vehicle specifications, to meet the needs of transit operators and riders. A transit vehicle designed to meet the specific needs of systems will lead to gained efficiencies by transit providers because...

The Metropolitan Area Transit System (MAT) is the public bus system for the cities of Fargo, Moorhead, and West Fargo. The city of Fargo wants to better understand rider's satisfaction with the Metropolitan Area Transit system's current bus service. The Fargo/West Fargo portion of Metropolitan Area...

This report details the findings of a study on the Utah Department of Transportation's (UDOT's) Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS's). The purpose of the study was to determine the public's awareness and use of four main ATIS's, namely variable message signs (VMS), highway advisory radio (HAR)...

Railroads are an important transport provider in the U.S. grain market. The purpose of this research is to gain insight into shipper rail grain marketing practices and decisions. A survey of rail grain facilities is used to collect primary information about facility characteristics, marketing practices...

A survey was conducted of students attending Concordia College, in Moorhead, Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of Concordia Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services...

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