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154 report(s) found with surveys in the keywords field
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The objectives of this research are to determine how regional trucking firms are incorporating logistical services into their business, show some of the current trends regarding logistics in the trucking business, and allow firms to evaluate themselves against the rest of the industry.

There has been controversy over the relative benefits of coordinating rural transit systems. Initially, it was expected that coordinated systems would experience lower costs and/or offer increased services. Some regional studies have indicated that coordinated systems do not experience decreased costs...

The purpose of the present study addresses the need to determine the nature of the family and work environments (for drivers and their spouses/partners) and to determine ways to apply this information to programs of intervention and support useful to commercial vehicle companies.

The Inspection Selection System (ISS) was developed as part of the ASPEN roadside inspection software system, in response to a 1995 Congressional mandate calling for the use of prior carrier safety data to guide the selection of vehicles and drivers for roadside inspections. The ASPEN system includes...

The logistical function of inventory management has greatly changed greatly over the last few decades. Historically, inventories have been used to manage production and were considered a necessary component of doing business. However, with recent developments such as Just-In-Time (JIT) and Electronic...

This paper summarizes the results of a study on direct assessment of rural user needs. The objective of the study was to assess rural road users and providers perception of rural road needs. Different rural road user groups were identified to obtain a representative sample of perceptions. Users groups...

This paper reports the results of a survey designed to determine the issues affecting North Dakota's rural aviation community. The survey elicited responses from airport managers on the broader concerns of aviation in the state.

The general objective of this project is to establish a better undertanding of how state agencies responsible for carrying out the program and the motor carrier industry relate to the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP).

Rural Road Condition Survey Guide (Jul 1995, MPC-SD95-16-G1)

This Guide has been developed to help provide a consistent means of assessing rural roadway conditions, both within a county and statewide. The roadway evaluation methodology described in this Guide will provide county highway agencies with a uniform and consistent means of defining pavement and roadway...

Tourism is a very important industry to Wyoming. Understanding the trends of this industry helps the state provide tourists with an enjoyable, informative, and memorable experience. This study was designed to obtain information from Wyoming tourists to determine the main reasons for visiting, tourist...

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