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154 report(s) found with surveys in the keywords field
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Train-pedestrian conflicts result in a substantial number of serious and fatal injuries annually. Signs indicating safe and permissible behaviors near railroad rights-of-way are commonly relied upon to mitigate collisions. However, the effectiveness of these signs in preventing accidents depends on the...

There is increasing awareness among transportation professionals about the importance of incorporating social equity into their practices. While the transit sector has made notable progress, other areas, such as asset management, are still lagging in integrating social equity into decision making. This...

This report investigates the application of low-cost sensing technologies, including GPS, accelerometers, and smartphones, to monitor roadway pavement conditions in real time. By leveraging widely available sensors embedded in vehicles, this research demonstrates how machine learning models can detect...

The statewide driver traffic safety survey provides baseline metrics for the Highway Safety Division and others to use in understanding perceptions and self-reported behaviors related to focus issues. A core set of questions addresses nationally agreed upon priorities including seat belts, impaired driving...

This comprehensive report synthesizes findings from three distinct yet interrelated studies, each exploring the developing role of drones in the condition monitoring of multimodal transportation assets. The first study, a systematic literature review (SLR) on railway inspection and monitoring (RIM)...

U.S. residents across many regions continue to face episodes of poor air quality due in part to pollution and emissions from the transportation sector. Strategies to encourage travel behavior changes and reduced driving during such events may or may not be effective. To illuminate how area-wide air pollution...

Teens are a high-risk driver group. Previous research shows risk-based injury prevention programs for subpopulations or individuals can be successful as buildouts to universal strategies. The goal here was to assess the efficacy of parent advisory letters as a supplement to graduated driving license...

This research examines the many ways that public transportation affects health, with a focus on rural and small urban areas. First, a comprehensive literature review is conducted. Research on the social determinants of health, access to health care, physical activity benefits, social isolation, and mental...

Food insecurity is a persistent problem in the United States that is disproportionately distributed across racial groups. Native American tribes, many located in rural areas, have high rates of food insecurity. Transportation plays a role in the limited access to food. This study focused on transportation...

Annually, many injuries and fatal crashes happen on local rural roads in North Dakota. The local road safety program (LRSP) strategy has been proven effective in reducing crashes on these roads. It relies on state engagement with local stakeholders to collectively reduce crash injuries in their communities....

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