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18 report(s) found with students in the keywords field
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This document contains a report based on two online surveys conducted by the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center (SURTC), Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, NDSU, during the 2019 spring semester. The first survey captured the NDSU student experience with Metro Area Transit (MATBUS) and students'...

This study investigates the effectiveness of the Great Rides Bike Share program that was launched in 2015 in the small urban area of Fargo, North Dakota. Eleven bike share stations were installed in Fargo with 101 bikes. Stations were primarily concentrated on the North Dakota State University (NDSU)...

The objective of this project was to evaluate the technical, operational, and economic feasibility of using medium-range radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to track transit passengers. The stages of the Effortless Passenger Identification System (EPIS) project consisted of four main tasks...

The Small Urban & Rural Transit Center (SURTC) conducted surveys of NDSU students during the fall and spring semesters of 2010-2011 regarding travel behavior and experience with Metro Area Transit (MATBUS). An on-vehicle survey of MATBUS riders on two NDSU campus routes was conducted in the winter of...

The study involved collecting and reporting information on the travel behavior of UND students; collecting and reporting information on their preferences and attitudes toward campus shuttle services; analyzing shuttle service passenger trip data; evaluating existing shuttle services; and providing both...

Students at three institutions of higher learning in the upper Midwest were surveyed to identify attitudes and behaviors that impact their choice of academic major, internship, and career, as well as perceptions of internships and careers in public transportation, and use of job search methods. Fifteen...

A three-wave longitudinal survey of a cohort of North Dakota State University (NDSU) students who matriculated in the fall of 2005 was conducted to investigate changing attitudes and travel behaviors. The longitudinal framework allowed for investigation of individual as opposed to group changes in behavior....

Understanding the attitudes and perceptions of a community's members towards public transportation is valuable when designing and delivering service. In this paper, the design and descriptive statistics for the first two waves of a longitudinal study of students enrolled at North Dakota State University...

In this study, the cohort-component method of population projection is used to project changes in the size of various groups at five-year intervals from 2005 to 2025 for each of North Dakota's 53 counties. The populations of interest in the study, seniors, the disabled, students age 5 to 19, and households...

A survey was conducted of students attending Concordia College, in Moorhead, Minnesota. The survey sought to determine the transit needs of the students. Results are divided among the following topics: Mobility of Concordia Students; Movement Demands of Campus Students; Student Perceptions of MAT Services...

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