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7 report(s) found with strength of materials in the keywords field
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Previous field studies suggested that macro-fibers incorporated in thin overlay pavements will result in reduced crack opening widths, vertical deflections, and debonding rates compared to that of unreinforced overlays. A simple finite element (FE) model was developed and utilized in this study to investigate...

Grouted Splice Sleeve (GSS) connectors are being considered for connecting bridge columns, footings, and pier caps in Accelerated Bridge Construction (ABC). A repair technique for precast reinforced concrete bridge column-to-footing and column-to-pier cap joints constructed with GSS connectors has been...

Flexible Highway Barriers (May 2008, MPC-08-198)

Highway barriers exist in part to protect life and property from excessive danger as part of normal road usage. Typically, these barriers can be characterized as stiff and passive. In this study, we report on the potential use of highly flexible materials that maintain the effective resistance to load...

For this study, eight full-size railroad bridge timber stringers were intentionally damaged by saw cuts, to mimic deterioration, after which they were strengthened through the process of shear spiking. The stringers were then durability loaded up to 25,000 cycles after which the majority of the sample...

A project to study the pier moment-rotation behavior of compact and non-compact high performance steel HPS70W bridge I-girders was conducted at Colorado State University in the context of examining two restrictions for inelastic design of steel bridge girders in the current edition of the AASHTO LRFD...

The present research suggests a new approach to the use of composite materials technology for repair of timber structural members. Due to the small aspect ratio of the typical railroad bridge span timbers, stiffness degradation can be related to decrease in the beam's shear performance. To rejuvenate...

Evaluation of Pavement Shoulders (May 1999, MPC-99-101)

In this study the researchers examined the effect of pavement shoulders on the safety and structural strength of highways in Wyoming. The costs of adding shoulders to various types of highways also was examined. The study consisted of selecting representative highway sections, collecting accident data...

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