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24 report(s) found with software in the keywords field
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Accident Data Availability (Jun 2000, MPC-01-118)

This project investigates alternate forms of dissemination for the accident information. Costs, capabilities, and compatibility are reviewed for integration of the accident database with a GIS format to allow a graphical and spatial interface. The issues being addressed by this research focus on information...

This project was initiated to develop and select advanced computer programs to improve roadway hydraulic and hydrologic design tools available for use by UDOT engineers and consultants. The development and selection of such computer software that utilizes engineering analysis along with interactive graphics...

This study was conducted to determine if efficiencies could be gained through the process of standardizing data storage mechanisms to permit diversity at the operating level while maintaining data compatibility for aggregation at higher levels in the organization. Transportation agencies use many computer...

In 1991 federal transportation legislation, Congress mandated that state DOT's develop and implement comprehensive bridge management systems (BMS). Related to this, a rigorous BMS software package, PONTIS, was developed via federal contracting to industry.

Personnel of the Utah Department of Transportation often find it necessary to work together on tasks from remote locations. Since this process adds costs to and reduces the efficiency of task completion, this research project investigated the practicality of desktop conferencing as a low-end telecommunications...

The objective of this project was to create a central database containing information representing the American short line railroad industry. The project continues and expands the initial effort to establish the database. In this report, processes involved with obtaining, developing, and maintaining...

Manuals of instruction are important engineering tools because they provide the necessary information to perform important design procedures and calculations correctly and accurately. The objective of this project was to develop a computer-based manual of instruction by implementing tools and techniques...

This manual briefly describes the features of the prototype knowledge-base decision support system developed specifically for the Utah State Police Academy and termed POSAT (Police Officer Standards and Training). It explains how to install the program on your computer system, and how to start and quit...

The principle objective of this report is to describe a methodology for the development of user interfaces that is appropriate for existing engineering software. This methodology is appropriate for applications that are specialized and may not command the market required for extensive broad based commercial...

The objective of this project is to provide local transportation officials with the information required to make sound decisions on the management of the bridges within their jurisdiction. Automated procedures were developed to prioritize the required maintenance, rehabilitation, or replacement (MR&R)...

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