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15 report(s) found with signs in the keywords field
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Train-pedestrian conflicts result in a substantial number of serious and fatal injuries annually. Signs indicating safe and permissible behaviors near railroad rights-of-way are commonly relied upon to mitigate collisions. However, the effectiveness of these signs in preventing accidents depends on the...

performance in the presence of variable road hazards. Road networks plagued by consistent weather or work zones affecting driving conditions are where VSL systems could improve safety. Depending on the road condition and objective of the VSL installation, the system could be advisory or regulatory. In...

The ultimate objective of this project was to determine the structural performance of the dynamic message sign (DMS) bonded with chemical adhesive in terms of ultimate strength and fatigue strength. To achieve this objective, this project first investigated the effects of various parameters (i.e., conditioning...

For the purpose of this paper, the definition of traffic incident is "any non-recurring event that causes a reduction of roadway capacity or an abnormal increase in demand." This definition will provide the necessary broadness for types of traffic incidents that are going to be addressed here and for...

Traveler Information Systems, a part of the larger field of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), were originally utilized in urban areas to reduce congestion. Traveler information has become increasingly important in rural areas, especially in areas with adverse weather conditions such as Wyoming....

This study will analyze the effectiveness of traveler information, with a focus on the use of DMSs on the I-80 corridor between Laramie and Cheyenne in southeast Wyoming, using several methods including evaluation of the consistency of past DMS messages, surveys of both frequent and random travelers...

This report details the findings of a study on the Utah Department of Transportation's (UDOT's) Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS's). The purpose of the study was to determine the public's awareness and use of four main ATIS's, namely variable message signs (VMS), highway advisory radio (HAR)...

The study focuses on ascertaining information on user willingness-to-pay and their perceptions of funding for improving gravel roads which support freight transportation service in rural areas. The research considers safety, road type, and maintenance valuation for both gravel and paved road surfaces....

Congestion in Salt Lake City is showing an increasing trend and, as congestion reaches higher levels, benefits of the HOV lanes will also increase. It needs to be determined whether the Salt Lake Valley HOV lanes are performing effectively in terms of travel time benefits, safety and the ability to carry...

Working together with the North Dakota Department of Transportation, the objective of this project was to develop an application to perform the following: track highway signs with GPS, keep track of the last date a sign was modified, manage sign inventory and display this information in a geographical...

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