Research Reports Filter by Keyword8 report(s) found with shipments in the keywords field 1 - 8 of 8 This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota. This series began with the analysis of 1956-57 data and was published in Agricultural Economics Reports 15, 17, 44, 56, and 86 and Agricultural Experiment Station... The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become... The objective of this report is to develop a profile of the U.S. containerized grain and oilseed export industry, including marketing activities, future expectations, information needs, and business practices. This report forms Phase I in a proposed two-phase analysis of the grain container industry.... The balance of this report will examine the experiences U.S. production agriculture has had with deregulation of the transportation industry. It will highlight the evolution of the procurement segment of grain marketing, concentrating on the wheat origination region, as it is an important export commodity... This report will review the demand situation in Bolivia, emphasizing location and end use. Then, the physical distribution of PL 480 wheat will be evaluated, looking first at the ocean transportation, then the port alternatives and support, and finally, the transportation within the South American interior.... This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseed from North Dakota. The organization structure of railroads in the Upper Great Plains region is rapidly changing. Class I carriers such as the Burlington Northern are selling their branch lines to new rail operators. Line sale, on a significant scale, may affect traditional competitive relationships among railroads and... The objectives of this paper are primarily two-fold. First, the logistical process of identity preserved grain shipments will be described. And second, certain cost comparisons will be made with traditional wheat shipments from North Dakota.