MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword38 report(s) found with rural areas in the keywords field The rise of ridesourcing services such as Uber and Lyft in recent years has revolutionized urban transportation across the globe. With the increased popularity of these services came negative impacts on industries such as taxi cab and public transit services. In an era when ridesourcing companies are... On September 11-17, 2013, Colorado suffered devastating and widespread flash flooding over 150 miles from Colorado Springs north to Fort Collins, impacting 24 counties. The flood damaged several bridges and over 400 miles of state roads. As a result of the transportation damage, residents of Drake, Colorado... The need for improved bicycle facilities in rural communities is becoming more apparent, but the standard national bicycle design guide is aimed at different types of communities than those found in rural areas. Rural communities differ from mid-size and large urban areas in that they typically have... Trucks are a vital part of the logistics system in North Dakota. Recent energy developments have generated exponential growth in the demand for truck services. With increased density of trucks in the traffic mix, it is reasonable to expect some increase in the number of crashes. Analysis shows however... Each year thousands of people are killed and injured due to weather-related crashes. While outcomes of many incidents could not be changed, many accidents could be avoided through implementation of intelligent transportation systems. Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS) have been adopted by transportation... Livability is a fairly new concept well understood in urban areas, but less so in rural areas and Indian reservations. A methodology was developed to identify the important livability issues for Tribal communities and consists of data collection, analysis, and development of the program. The methodology... Older drivers are overrepresented in motor vehicle crash fatalities. As the U.S. population continues to age, this problem will grow. Health care providers (HCPs) are in a position to provide their older patients with education which may prevent further motor vehicle fatalities. Rural older adults are... The sharp increase in travel volumes, shift in traffic mix, and large increases in crashes have transformed the travel environment in the oil region of western North Dakota. Roads once used for local access and agricultural purposes now mostly serve expanding oil production. Oil companies, workers, commercial... Improved emergency medical services (EMS) will impact traffic safety and public health in rural communities. Better planned, designed, and operated roadway networks that connect hospitals with communities in need will enhance EMS performance. To provide safe, timely and quality services, it is necessary... This study sought to determine current knowledge-levels of health care providers regarding child passenger safety issues and frequency of counseling on this topic. In addition, this study explored the differences in child restraint knowledge levels and current counseling frequency between rural and urban...