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9 report(s) found with roughness in the keywords field
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In Wyoming, most county paved roads were built decades ago without following minimum design standards. However, the recent increase in industrial/mineral activities in the state requires developing an efficient pavement management system (PMS) for local paved roads. The new PMS which is currently being...

Fourteen Thin Lift Treatments (TLTs) in Utah's Department of Transportation (UDOT) Region 2 were evaluated over a five-year period in order to assess their performance. Surface distress data was quantified using Pavement Condition Indices (PCIs), and Remaining Service Life (RSL) were estimated following...

Concrete bridge decks are directly exposed to daily traffic loads and may experience some surface cracking caused by excessive stress or fatigue accumulation, which requires repair or replacement. Among typical bridges in North America, bridge decks are considered the most expensive component to construct...

Transportation agencies use a variety of methods to evaluate the condition of pavements and the characteristics of their use. Methods range from in-pavement sensors to ride quality characterizations that require specially instrumented probe vehicles. However, the extensive labor, specialized training...

State Highway Agencies (SHAs) in the United States use smoothness specifications to insure that they are providing the public with quality roads. Monetary incentives / disincentive policies based on the initial roughness values are used by SHAs to encourage contractors to build smoother roads. To justify...

This research considers the influence of different construction materials on the dynamic impact factor of bridges. The general concept of the dynamic impact factor and typical evaluation methods are reviewed.

State highway agencies throughout the United States use smoothness specifications to ensure they are providing the public with quality roads. Some state highway agencies even provide monetary incentives to contractors for building smoother roads. The effectiveness of such incentive policies, though...

This report describes a study jointly conducted by the University of Wyoming and the Wyoming Department of Transportation to examine the effect of construction Profilograph Index (PI) values on long-term roughness measurements of concrete pavements. The objectives of this study were to determine if increased...

This report describes a study conducted at the University of Wyoming to evaluate the various factors affecting the accuracy of Road Profilers measurements. Highway agencies across the U.S. use Road Profilers to measure roughness and rut-depth characteristics of pavements. These measurements are utilized...

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