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8 report(s) found with road construction in the keywords field
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Construction projects require long hours where workers are subjected to intensive tasks such as hard manual labor, heavy lifting, and constrained working postures. Among the physiological metrics, heart rate (HR) is reported to be a good indicator of physical stress and workload. HR forecasting models...

The objectives of this study were to assess geotechnical properties of mine waste amended with fly ash and evaluate reuse of fly ash amended mine waste as road construction material. Three types of fly ash and one type of cement were used as cementitious binder. Natural and synthetic (i.e., laboratory...

In this study, the current SDDOT Road User Cost methodology and associated unit costs were evaluated and changes were implemented to the methodology to allow for a more complete analysis that aligns with the needs of each department and their use of RUC. The methodology was used to construct a worksheet...

The utilization of recycled glass in highway applications has been occurring over the past couple of decades. In recent years, the discovery of several economic and environmental benefits could increase the use of recycled glass in highway construction, making the evaluation of the engineering properties...

This report is Phase II of a previous MPC research project (MPC 02-136) that developed a computer model using a transient, two-dimensional finite volume approach to mathematically describe the thermal response of asphalt pavements due to thermal environmental conditions on an hourly basis. The main objective...

Transportation is a vital national need and one of the areas of increased employment opportunities. Fostering student interest in transportation and transportation related areas of study is vital to our nation's future work force, and these arenas are rapidly becoming a popular career choice for undergraduate...

The main objective of this research was to quantify the differences and similarities among Quality Control/ Quality Assurance (QC/QA) programs for three state highway agencies. By measuring these differences, conclusions were drawn as to which state was achieving the best results with their QC/QA program....

In this study, the researchers evaluated the effectiveness of quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) specifications in decreasing hot mix asphalt (HMA) variability. A questionnaire was written to gather general information about the QC/QA specification programs that are being used in the United States...

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