MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword20 report(s) found with reinforced concrete in the keywords field The use of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRP) for the repair of civil infrastructure has been on the rise. Most studies have focused on the effect of CFRP to increase the stiffness and strength of reinforced concrete beams or columns. Limited attention has been given to the effect of CFRP on mitigating... This study aims to investigate the age-dependent changes in flexural and fracture properties of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) used in the design of thin overlay pavements. Four different types of steel or polypropylene macro-fibers with different dimensions and different fiber volume contents (0%... The current legally required two-year inspection interval for most bridges is not an efficient system for conducting inspections, because many bridges do not require inspections this frequently, while others would benefit from more frequent monitoring. The research presented herein is based on the premise... Concrete infrastructures in cold areas such as South Dakota tend to experience early deterioration that is mostly triggered by steel corrosion. The corrosion is initiated by chloride penetration through cracks in the concrete. Fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) is known to be a good alternative to conventional... Previous field studies suggested that macro-fibers incorporated in thin overlay pavements will result in reduced crack opening widths, vertical deflections, and debonding rates compared to that of unreinforced overlays. A simple finite element (FE) model was developed and utilized in this study to investigate... Connections between precast concrete elements must be able to withstand significant stresses and deformations in earthquakes. The grouted splice sleeve (GSS) connector is being considered for connecting footing, column, and cap beam elements in accelerated bridge construction (ABC). There are limited... Reinforced concrete (RC) bridges with both skew and curvature are common in areas with complex terrains. Skewed and/or curved bridges were found in existing studies to exhibit more complicated seismic performance than straight bridges, however the related seismic risk studies are still rare. These bridges... This report evaluates two new glass-fiber reinforced polymer concrete reinforcement systems, which have been designed to serve as a non-corrosive alternative to steel reinforcement in reinforced concrete bridge girders. Due to the nature of the reinforcement geometry, these systems react in a way to... This paper presents the results of an experimental study on the fatigue performance of RC beams strengthened with different externally bonded CFRP systems. Seven specimens were fabricated; three had no CFRP; the remaining four had one of two CFRP systems. The objective of this study was to determine... Over the years, Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites have gained popularity in transportation infrastructure as a material able to restore and increase the capacity of existing concrete elements. Properties such as a high strength to weight ratio, non-corrosive nature, durability, and high malleability...