Research Reports Filter by Keyword20 report(s) found with reinforced concrete in the keywords field A numerical model simulating the seismic behavior of precast concrete columns confined with glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) spirals and longitudinally reinforced with steel or a combination of steel and GFRP bars was developed using the Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (OpenSees).... Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials have been studied and applied to reinforced concrete (RC) structures for strengthening or seismic retrofit for many years. This research is related to using FRP composites in new bridge structures. Capacity degradation in RC components of existing bridges... The purpose of this research project was to investigate and determine the reasons for premature deterioration of the geogrid-reinforced pavement system on the section of SR-10 between Muddy Creek and Emery, Utah.
The statistical analyses and evaluations indicate that the structural design of the primary... An evaluation of CRCP was conducted in order to determine the extent of possible corrosion of CRCP on selected interstates in South Dakota. General observations showed there were sections of severe and localized reinforcement corrosion at some crack locations. Crack mapping, chloride tests profiles... The use of deicing salts on highway bridges has decreased the service life of bridge decks due to the accelerated corrosion of the steel reinforcement. The use of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) in bridge decks as a means of corrosion-mitigation has been met with some success; however, GFRP is... Reinforced concrete bridge wall piers constructed using older codes perform inadequately during strong earthquakes; deficiencies include short reinforcement lap splices, insufficient steel reinforcement ratios in the longitudinal and transverse direction, and inadequate seismic detailing. Three half-scale... This study evaluates the seismic performance of circular concrete-filled tube (CCFT) columns in accelerated bridge construction (ABC) projects. CCFT components are considered of interest for bridges subjected to seismic forces due to their efficient structural behavior under combined axial and bending... Compared with conventional lap splicing, mechanical splicing is an alternative method of connecting bars in reinforced concrete (RC) structures, and is used mainly to reduce bar congestion in joints. Recently, mechanical bar splices, which are also referred to as bar couplers, have been used in laboratories... Many laboratory studies have shown erratic flexural strength results among replicate specimens of fiber reinforced concrete (FRC). As a result, repeatability of results was very challenging. Given this issue, it would be very difficult for design engineers to make reliable claims about the performance... Steel bridges with reinforced concrete substructures and steel superstructures are considered to have superior performance under earthquakes when compared with their reinforced concrete counterpart. Such performance reputation stems from the fact that few steel bridges have been subjected to strong ground...