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5 report(s) found with regional planning in the keywords field
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This report discusses the benefits of full-scale pavement testing and the use of accelerated pavement testing (APT) to collect pavement performance data under actual experimental conditions. The report highlights the development and operation of road test tracks, such as the Minnesota Road Research Project...

This project covers the development of Accessibility measures for the State of North Dakota at the county level and for the three North Dakota Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). It explains the procedures, constraints and considerations for the use of the model as an evaluation tool to measure...

North Dakota's 2009 Legislature directed the North Dakota Department of Transportation to initiate two public transit regional coordination projects. NDDOT subsequently contracted with the Small Urban & Rural Transit Center to develop corresponding implementation plans. Regional steering committees...

This research project, "Evaluating and Improving Pedestrian Safety in Utah," was initiated in December 2000. Two interim reports have been prepared thus far, including Facilitation of Pedestrian Crossings in 28 States and Literature Review of Pedestrian Safety Measures (Cottrell 2001) and Literature...

This study was conducted to determine if efficiencies could be gained through the process of standardizing data storage mechanisms to permit diversity at the operating level while maintaining data compatibility for aggregation at higher levels in the organization. Transportation agencies use many computer...

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