Research Reports Filter by Keyword5 report(s) found with regional analysis in the keywords field 1 - 5 of 5 Transportation systems generate certain health-promoting benefits such as access to social, economic, and cultural resources, but they also are a source of air pollution, noise, safety hazards, and barriers that diminish social cohesion in neighborhoods. Streets, in particular, are among the most important... Agriculture is a leading source of demand for transport resources. It accounted for nearly 1 in 5 ton-miles of highway freight and 1 in 10 ton-miles of rail and barge freight transported in the nation during 2010, and demand is expected to grow. Thus, understanding industry practices and trends related... Although transportation plays a role in economic development, it often is assumed to be an inert factor because of data voids or under assumptions. This research offers estimates of the relative quality of freight and business transport service resources available to non-metropolitan cities across the... One potential means for gaining insight into the current state of the elevator industry, and into expectations for future trends, is through a survey. The objective of this study is to profile the transportation and industry characteristics of the elevators located in the Great Plains region of the United... The purpose of this paper is to identify transportation issues and research needs from a geographical and institutional perspective. The four areas of emphasis as suggested by the title are as follows: 1) The Upper Great Plains Transportation Institute, its creation, governance, purpose and a comparison...