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39 report(s) found with rain in the keywords field
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This project aims to using eye-tracking technology to optimize work zone safety. First, a systematic literature review was conducted to present the background of its application in construction safety. In total, 81 publications were screened from Web of Science (WoS), Scopus, and American Society of...

Green stormwater infrastructure (GSI) is increasingly used to reduce stormwater input to the subsurface stormwater network. This work investigated how GSI interacts with surface runoff and stormwater structures to affect the spatial extent and distribution of roadway flooding and subsequent effects on...

Railroad accidents can cause economic harm that extends far beyond their own financial losses. As one of the most efficient modes of long-distance freight transportation, losses in line capacity and cargo due to accidents can disrupt the supply chain and lead to commodity shortages everywhere. Therefore...

When a vehicle drives over a bridge, each bridge girder carries a portion of the vehicle's weight. This load causes strain in the bottom of the bridge girders. However, depending on where the vehicle is located on the bridge, some bridge girders carry a higher percentage of the vehicle's load. This study...

The purpose of the initial project was to establish a baseline for the evaluation of proposed fatigue mitigation efforts, to demonstrate the utilization of measures of sleep and fatigue, and to gather initial data for comparison to other previous studies. Results demonstrated that there was enough data...

Ductile fracture has been identified as the predominant mode of failure for structural elements under extreme loads and the prediction of such represents considerable challenges. Until recently, ductile fracture of metals has been recognized to be dependent on both stress triaxiality and Lode angle parameter....

As part of the National LTAP program, funded by the Federal Highway Administration and state departments of transportation, one goal of the Utah LTAP Center is to provide training for new and long-term local government employees to help keep them up-to-date with appropriate technologies and regulations...

This study sought to determine current knowledge-levels of health care providers regarding child passenger safety issues and frequency of counseling on this topic. In addition, this study explored the differences in child restraint knowledge levels and current counseling frequency between rural and urban...

Motorcycle use brings increased risk to the operator simply by the nature of the vehicle. When a crash occurs, the threat of injury or death is magnified by physical exposure compared to that of other vehicle occupants. Detection and gap/speed judgments by other motorists present additional hazards to...

The purpose of this study is to provide information about railroad fuel efficiency that may be useful in evaluating transportation energy policies and assessing the sustainability of potential projects. The specific objectives are to (1) develop railroad energy efficiency models that describe differences...

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