Research Reports Filter by Keyword8 report(s) found with questionnaires in the keywords field 1 - 8 of 8 Small urban sprawl has resulted in new housing developments and business centers that have never been served by transit. Unfortunately, transit agencies are often not included in the land development process within small urban communities. The objectives of this study were to determine what steps small... Universities and transit agencies across the United States have been finding innovative new ways of providing and financing mobility services on and around university campuses. Many transit agencies are providing substantially more service and moving substantially more riders than their counterparts... A survey of the education and training needs was conducted and more than 2,000 questionnaire booklets were sent to highway contractors nationwide. Two hundred and eighteen responded. The objective of the survey was to determine the training and education needs of the construction industry and identify... This paper contains results of a six-state survey regarding usage and effectiveness of several chemical additives. In addition, a description, and more indepth information on the various categories of chemical additives, is presented. The involvement of the Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) in transportation research on Indian reservations began in 1989 when CURA received a small grant from the University of Minnesota's Center for Transportation Studies. CURA was asked to submit a proposal to conduct a pilot survey on one... This study seeks to provide truckload carrier management information to improve their human resource management strategies. It has been shown that job satisfaction is related to turnover, and turnover results in increased costs for the firm. Thus, this study seeks to lower carrier costs by focusing on... This study looks at drivers' opinions about specific areas of their work and how important these areas are to their job satisfaction. Management's perceptions are compared to drivers' opinions. Job satisfaction is theoretically linked to driver productivity, turnover, new entrants, and few drivers exiting... The extent of the county and rural road system indicates the breadth of the potential management problems that may arise over the entire local system. In a state like North Dakota where geographic and economic disparities among regions are often pronounced, issues or problems facing local transportation...