Research Reports Filter by Keyword4 report(s) found with prestressed concrete bridges in the keywords field 1 - 4 of 4 Precast prestressed double-tee girders are common on county bridges in South Dakota because of the ease of construction, short construction time, and low cost. However, the longitudinal joints of these bridges are rapidly deteriorating, imposing girder replacement after only 45 years of service. Currently... The most common type of bridge on South Dakota local roads is a precast prestressed double-tee (DT) girder bridge. More than 700 DT bridges are currently in-service in South Dakota. Structural detailing, aging, traffic volume, and environmental conditions affect structural performance, integrity, and... For this research, sensors were used to investigate the differences in prestress losses and temperature gradients in a concrete deck bulb tee girder bridge. The Millville Bridge was built as an access point to the Ridgeline High School in Millville, Utah. The bridge was built in 2016 and presently supports... There are 16 small to medium simple span bridges in Larimer County that are currently load rated solely based on visual inspections. Most of these bridges are prestressed concrete bridges. The objective of this project is to load rate these bridges using structural analysis with very little to no information...