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5 report(s) found with predictive models in the keywords field
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A theoretical framework is developed for applying the material point method (MPM) to problems of modeling natural hazard effects on several representative geometries. Following an outline of the general methodology, in which the structural system is replaced by a combination of integrated Lagrangian...

Reliable and accurate assessment and prediction of bridge condition deterioration is critical for effective bridge preservation. Deterioration models, combined with current condition information, can guide inspection, maintenance, repair, and rehabilitation planning, and support risk and life-cycle analysis....

The maintenance and upgrade of infrastructure and buildings are critical for ensuring their performance, safety, and minimizing costs. However, inadequate planning and budget allocation, as well as resource constraints, often result in delayed maintenance, leading to costly interventions. To address...

This report documents the effort to develop a practical relation between the cracking tolerance index and portions of the dynamic modulus curves of asphalt mixtures. A review of practices used to create asphalt mixtures' dynamic modulus master curves, based on NCHRP reports and other relevant literature...

This report presents several advancements in the empirical modeling of liquefaction-induced lateral spread. It starts with a newly collected dataset of 5,560 historical lateral spread displacement vectors, a sample size over 10 times larger than the existing databases and subsurface data comprising over...

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