Research Reports Filter by Keyword25 report(s) found with ports in the keywords field This study evaluated connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) crash reporting practices across the United States, emphasizing the importance of standardized reporting and legislation for the safe deployment of CAVs on public roads. Through a survey of state transportation officials and a review of current... The American Indian population is at high risk for motor vehicle (MV) crash injury. Although preventable, a majority of these indigenous populations lack fundamental data needed to understand these events and effective countermeasures. This cross-case study sets a framework for exploring Indian Nations'... The motivation for this report is a proposed new microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensor with applications in civil infrastructure sensing. This report analyzed the influence of three assumptions employed in the Euler-Bernoulli, Rayleigh, and Timoshenko beam theories by comparing their results to... Agriculture is a leading source of demand for transport resources. It accounted for nearly 1 in 5 ton-miles of highway freight and 1 in 10 ton-miles of rail and barge freight transported in the nation during 2010, and demand is expected to grow. Thus, understanding industry practices and trends related... In a previous related study conducted by the University of Wyoming (Phase I), fatigue cracking of traffic signal poles was determined to be related to the average wind speed (Price 2009). However, high-mast data did not indicate the same direct average wind speed fatigue cracking relationship behavior.... The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance, and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators. The objective of this report is to provide a benchmark for elevator managers in assessing performance, and supply a source for recognizing trends in the characteristics of North Dakota elevators. This report represents a continuation of analysis concerned with the patterns and methods of distributing grains and oilseeds from North Dakota. This series began with the analysis of 1956-57 data and was published in Agricultural Economics Reports 15, 17, 44, 56, and 86 and Agricultural Experiment Station... The analysis describes world trade in containers by country, through time, by importers and exporters, and by port areas. In addition, it includes an analysis of containerization of cargo. Specifically, we used the data to analyze the extent that cargos that traditionally were shipped in bulk, have become... Recent design requirements for traffic signal and sign structures incorporated fatigue load criteria related to wind that are producing significant increases in size and cost. The Fourth Edition of the AASHTO Luminaire and Traffic Signal Specification (2002 with interims) specification is a significant...