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3 report(s) found with pedestrian areas in the keywords field
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A community is considered walkable if it is easy as well as safe for pedestrians to walk for recreation, exercise, and to school, stores, parks, post office, etc. Additionally, a walkable community encourages safe use of existing infrastructure while expanding transportation options for users with varied...

A study of collisions occurring at intersections along State routes in Utah was conducted. The number of crashes, the crash severity score and, for selected locations, the crash rate were determined and "ranked" for intersections within the Utah Department of Transportation's Region 1, Region 2, Region...

This research project, "Evaluating and Improving Pedestrian Safety in Utah," was initiated in December 2000. Two interim reports have been prepared thus far, including Facilitation of Pedestrian Crossings in 28 States and Literature Review of Pedestrian Safety Measures (Cottrell 2001) and Literature...

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