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51 report(s) found with pavements in the keywords field
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Fluctuation in temperatures significantly affects pavement stability and the selection of asphalt grading to be used in pavements. Ability to accurately predict the asphalt pavement temperature at different depths and horizontal locations based on ambient air temperatures will greatly help pavement engineers...

State Highway Agencies (SHAs) in the United States use smoothness specifications to insure that they are providing the public with quality roads. Monetary incentives / disincentive policies based on the initial roughness values are used by SHAs to encourage contractors to build smoother roads. To justify...

The objectives of this research were to determine if fly ash has an effect on the field performance of cement-treated bases, determine if cement-treated bases perform similarly to other base types, and develop pavement performance models for interstate and non-interstate roadways in the state of Wyoming.

This research considers the influence of different construction materials on the dynamic impact factor of bridges. The general concept of the dynamic impact factor and typical evaluation methods are reviewed.

Evaluation of Pavement Shoulders (May 1999, MPC-99-101)

In this study the researchers examined the effect of pavement shoulders on the safety and structural strength of highways in Wyoming. The costs of adding shoulders to various types of highways also was examined. The study consisted of selecting representative highway sections, collecting accident data...

This project used field and laboratory evaluations to study the possibility of incorporating bottom ash in asphalt mixes. A pavement test section was constructed for the field portion of the project. The laboratory evaluations involved design and accelerated testing of control and bottom ash asphalt...

This report examines the feasibility of using the thermal stress restrained specimen test to evaluate low temperature cracking in asphalt pavement mixes. Data were collected from laboratory and field evaluations. Various mixing, aging, and compaction methods were used to prepare test samples with materials...

In an effort to prevent pumping and reduce premature pavement failures due to infiltrated water, UDOT has contracted Utah State University (USU) to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity (k) of Utah's dense graded untreated base course material. The hydraulic conductivity describes the ease with which water...

Gravel Shortage Options (Dec 1996, MPC-96-65)

Some North Dakota counties are facing a shortage in quality gravel. Other counties may experience the same problem in the near future. Gravel pits in the state are scarce and counties consume substantial amounts of gravel for a large portion of their roads. Obtaining gravel from distant sources leaves...

The feasibility of using the Georgia Loaded-Wheel Tester (GLWT) to predict rutting in the laboratory was investigated in this research. This research was performed in two phases. The first phase consisted of modifying the GLWT to handle 15.2 cm (6 in) cores, developing a laboratory compaction procedure...

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