MPC Research Reports Filter by Keyword7 report(s) found with motor carriers in the keywords field 1 - 7 of 7 This research seeks to investigate crash severity predicting models and contributing factor explorations through the application of data mining models. There are 21 variables found to be associated with commercial truck injury severities. The importance analysis indicates the variable relative important... Trucking Churn Industry (Mar 2008, MPC-08-193) The trucking industry is dynamic, and has been growing along with the economy. Many companies have come and gone, but many have been in business for many years. An increasing number of motor carriers can indicate a healthy industry and economy. While an increasing total number of motor carriers may indicate... Voluntary turnover rates among truckload carriers are extremely high, ranging from 50 to more than 100 percent annually. These high turnover rates result in elevated costs for carriers in terms of recruitment and training as well as costs associated with reduced productivity and decreased customer satisfaction... This report contains a brief description of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and ITS technologies for Commercial Vehicle Operations (ITS/CVO). Second, it discusses previous literature regarding benefits of ITS/CVO for motor carriers, as well as managing the change due to technology. In addition... This study examined LTL carriers in the mountain-plains region of North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Many rural communities rely on the LTL industry for freight movements in and out of the region. The level of LTL service in the mountain-plains region is unknown in a post regulated environment. Differences that exist among truck configurations, trip and product characteristics, and input prices influence costs for individual owner/operators. Economic developers need truck cost estimates to compare transportation modes and accurately estimate transportation costs. Owner/operators and users of... Transportation fulfills three major roles in a developed economy. First, it is an enabler that allows an economy to develop. Second, it is a facilitator of competition for producers throughout broad area. And finally, transportation is a component of the Gross National Product. The motor carrier industry...